發問日期 | 2011年10月26日 |
問題內容 | 現在33歲,2011/9/26做粗針穿刺,2011/10/5做乳房保留手術,二份報告如下: 2011/9/26 粗針穿刺病理檢查報告: breast,right, core needle biopsy, --- fibroadenoma with focal pattern of fibrocystic disease and adenosis breast, left, core needle biopsy, --- invasive ductal carcinoma gross description The specimen #1 (right) submitted consists of four tissue fragments measuring up to 1.5*0.1*0.1 CM in size fixed in formalin. grossly, they are gray and cord like. all for section and labeled as A. The specimen #2 (left) submitted consists of four tissue fragments measuring up to 1.6*.0.1*0.1 CM in size fixed in formalin. grossly, they are gray and cord like. All for section and labeled as B. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: right breast, specimen #1 Histologic type: Fibroadenoma Focal pattern of fibrocystic disease and adenosis Histologic pattern: 1. Proliferated ramifying, slitlike and and small-round mammary ducts in a hyperplastic fibromyxoid stroma 2. Focal ductal dilation and intraductal epithelial hyperplasia Left breast, specimen #2 Tumor type : invasive ductal carcinoma Tumor grade (provisional SBR grade): Ⅱ (Moderately differentiated) (score 7) Tubule formation: 10-75%(score 2) Nnclear pleomorphism : Moderate (score 2) Mitotic count : >11/10 HPF (score 3) Tumor size : Not assessable due to biopsy Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) : Present; cribriform type, intermediate grade Extensive intraductal carcinoma status (DCIS>25%): Not assessable due to biopsy Peritumoral lymphovascular invasion: Suspicious Perineural invasion : Absent Tumor necrosis :Mild to moderate Margin: Not assessable due to biopsy ADDENDUM Results of immunohistochemical study: Estrogen receptor (ER): Positive (>90%, moderately to strongly) Progesterone receptor (PR): Positive(15%, moderately to strongly) Assessment of HER-2/neu protein: Positive (score : 3+) 2011/10/5 乳房保留手術病理檢查報告: DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left, breast conserving therapy,---invasive ductal carcinoma, poorly differentiated(grade III) Skin, breast, left, breast conserving therapy,---free of cancer Lymph node, axillary, left, frozen section and dissection,---free of metastasis(0/13) Soft tissue, axillary, left, frozen section,---free of cancer GROSS DESCRIPTION: Specimen for frozen section: The specimen #1 submitted consists of one tissue fragment measuring 0.9*0.5 *0.3 cm in size in fresh state. Grossly, it is fleshy, yellow and fatty. All for section and labeled as follows: Fs1:frozen section Fc1:frozen control The specimen #2 submitted consists of two tissue fragments measuring up to 0.9*0.7*0.5 cm in size in fresh state. Grossly, they are fleshy to yellow and firm to fatty. All for section and labeled as follows: Fs2:frozen section Fc2:frozen control FROZEN SECTION: Specimen #1: Absence of lymphoid tissue Specimen #2:Presence of a lymph node with no evidence of malignancy Left breast cancer Subsequent specimen: Breast:Left Specimen:Breast conserving therapy with the axillary content in fresh state Size of the breast removed:11.6*8.3*2.1cm Dimension of the covering skin:4.5*1.2 cm Size of the axillary soft tissue:7.4*4.4*1.7 cm Tumor location: Single tumor, lateral to the nipple Gross tumor:YES Size of the tumor:1.9*1.8*1.7 cm Tumor growth pattern: Circumscribed margin Texture of the tumor:Gray and solid Gross margin: Basal:Free(3 mm) Superior:Free(35 mm) Lateral:Free(24mm) Inferior(stitch marked):Free(42 mm) Medial:Free(21mm) Lymph nodes:Totally thirteen,up to 1.1 cm in greatest diameter Separate fragment: Two, up to 10.3*5.8*1.5 cm in size: gray to yellow and firm Representative sections are taken and labeled as follows: A1-4:breast(A1:with the basal margin; A1 and A4: with skin) B1-4:superior, lateral, inferior and medial margins, sequentially C1-2:lymph nodes D:separate fragment MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: Histologic type:Invasive ductal carcinoma Histologic grade (SBR grade):III(Poorly differentiated)(score 8) Tubule formation:10-75%(score 2) Nuclear pleomorphism:Marked(score 2) Mitotic count:>11/10HPF(score 3) Tumor size:1.9cm, measured on the histologic slides(pT1c) Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS):Positive; cribriform type, intermediate grade Extensive intraductal carcinoma status (DCIS>25%):Negative Peritumoral invasion:Absent Tumor necrosis:Moderate Microcalcification:Present Margin: Basal:Free(3 mm, measured on the histologic slide) Superior:Free(35 mm, as measured grossly) Lateral:Free(24 mm, as measured grossly) Inferior:Free(42mm, as measured grossly) Medial:Free(21 mm, as measured grossly) Skin:Free of cancer Lymph nodes(Positive/Total):(pNO) Axillary:0/13 Soft tissue, axillary:Free of cancer Associated findings: Adenosis, columnar cell change and atypical ductal hyperplasia pTNM:pT1cNo REFERENCE: M11-06343 Breast,right, core needle biopsy,---fibroadenoma with focal pattern of fibrocystic disease and adenosis Breast, left, core needle biopsy,---invasive ductal carcinoma 目前33歲未婚,已知乳癌一期,淋巴13顆未感染 請問: 1.開刀後的組織並沒有再做ER、PR、HER-2檢驗,醫生只依據粗針穿針的檢查結果來當治療指標,依據粗針穿針做的ER、PR、HER-2檢驗三者都是陽性,偽陽性的機率有多高?是否需要再拿開刀後的組織重新化驗一次? 2.『6次小紅莓 + 1年賀癌平』 跟『4次小紅莓 + 4次紫杉醇+ 4次賀癌平』,那一個化療適合我?二者五年跟十年復發率與死亡率是多少? 3.若只單做6次小紅莓成效如何? 4.HER-2是偽陽性,賀癌平是否就不用做了? 5.目前未婚,紫杉醇是否會造成卵巢嚴重退化而不孕? 謝謝~ |
回答醫師 | 謝瑞坤 |
回答日期 | 2011年10月26日 |
回答內容 | 你好, 你罹患乳癌第一期pT1cN0 (0/13), 雖屬第一期但大小稍大1.9*1.8*1.7 cm,細胞分化不良poorly differentiated (grade III), 荷爾蒙接受體 Estrogen receptor (ER): 強陽性 (>90%), Progesterone receptor (PR): 陽性 (15%), 第二型上皮生長因子接受體HER-2/neu: 強陽性 (3+), 應追加輔助性治療以降低復發 1. 乳房保留手術, 術後應追加局部放射線治療 2. 建議『6次小紅莓 + 追加局部放射線治療 + 1年賀癌平 (HER-2/neu 陽性3+) + 5年 抗荷爾蒙Tamoxifen治療』是合理的選項治療, 許多其他選項與利弊應多與你的主治醫師深入討論 3. 無論是小紅莓, 紫杉醇, Tamoxifen 均有可能影響月經甚至生育能力, 建議可先冰凍保存卵子 |